Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Aviation Organizations

Two Aviation Organizations that I believe are beneficial for those in the Aviation industry to belong too are AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Air Line Pilots Association) and the second would be to the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association.)

AOPA is an organization that deals around General Aviation, their mission statement is, "We protect your freedom to fly." They accomplish this by:
  1. ·         advocating on behalf of our members,
  2. ·         educating pilots, nonpilots, and policy makers alike,
  3. ·         supporting activities that ensure the long-term health of General Aviation,
  4. ·         fighting to keep General Aviation accessible to all, and
  5. ·         securing sufficient resources to ensure our success.(“AOPA’s Mission”, n.d.)

AOPA offers a variety of services to members including insurance and financing options, as well as both legal and medical services. You can get anything from scholarships to loans.

The EAA is the Experimental Aircraft Association and is a community of aviation enthusiasts who promote and support recreational flying. More than 180,000 members worldwide share a common passion for all things aviation. EAA is headquartered in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and hosts the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Fly-In & Convention every July. Their mission is to grow participation in aviation by promoting the “Spirit of Aviation.” (“EAA, Who we are,”n.d.) They serve the community by:
  1.       Inspiring new participants in aviation
  2. ·         Inviting the public to experience flight
  3. ·         Providing a compelling view of possibilities
  4. ·         Nurturing interest in aviation
  5. ·         Supporting clear pathways to participation
  6. ·         Enriching the participation experience
  7.       Protecting rights and the freedom to fly
  8. ·         Encouraging affordable flying in a local environment
  9. ·         Cultivating and providing knowledge, information, and resources
  10. ·         Embracing diverse interests, camaraderie, and fun
  11. ·         Supporting and promoting aviation events and activities.(“EAA, Who we are,”n.d.)

I believe in the aviation industry is it nice to know that you have organizations to have your back and I am a member of both organizations. AOPA is free for military personal and veterans and EAA is $40.  


AOPA's Mission, Vision and Values. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Aviation Admissions

Carbon dioxide emissions is a hot topic and the impact it has on the environment. According to Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) flights worldwide produce 781 tonnes of CO2 in 2015, and globally humans produced over 36 billion in CO2. 2% all human induced CO2 is produced in the aviation industry. 12% is responsible from all transports sources, 35% of the CO2 is thanks to companies wanting value commodities being shipped by air. 70% of jets now are more fuel efficient. 80% is by alternative fuels, and if commercial aviation were to get 6% of its fuel supply from bio fuels by 2020, this would reduce the carbon footprint by 5% the aviation industry has invested nearly over $1.3 trillion dollars to improve fuel efficiency and to improve overall emissions. (Facts and Figures, 2016)

The UNs agreement that we read states that ‘it sets carbon emissions limits on international flights’ according to Joan Lowy. She also says that, “Airlines that exceed that limit in future years, as most are expected to do, will have to offset their emissions growth by buying credits from other industries and projects that limit greenhouse gas emissions” (2016) I believe this will motivate Airline companies to make sure to keep their emissions low and not waste their money and keep spending money on emission credits.

President-Elect Donald Trump has spoken against the Paris agreement; he intends to cancel the Paris Agreement because he feels that it would be bad for business. He stated, “he would ‘renegotiate’ the global agreement involving nearly all countries” the President-Elect Trump has made it pretty clear that he would pull out of Paris Agreement. (“Donald Trump would cancel”, 2016)

Are these laws necessary? I would have to say yes I agree with the laws to an extent because we have to do all we can with our carbon footprint. No we may not release as much CO2 as road transportation which is 74% more of CO2 emissions and I think that even though they focus on Aviation, they need to work on the other industries that release a lot more.

Facts & Figures - Air Transport Action Group (ATAG). (2016, May). Retrieved from
Lowy, J. (2016, October 06). UN agreement reached on aircraft climate-change emissions.
            Retrieved from http://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2016-10-06/un-
Donald Trump would 'cancel' Paris climate deal. (2016, May 27). Retrieved from

Friday, November 4, 2016

Global Airlines and the unfair playground

The US Department of State defines the open skies agreement as, “Open Skies agreements have vastly expanded international passenger and cargo flights to and from the United States, promoting increased travel and trade, enhancing productivity, and spurring high-quality job opportunities and economic growth.  Open Skies agreements do this by eliminating government interference in the commercial decisions of air carriers about routes, capacity, and pricing, freeing carriers to provide more affordable, convenient, and efficient air service for consumers.” (US State Dept.) It basically allows the airlines of both countries to freely serve the other country’s airports without having to get individual permission for each and every airport. The United States and The United Arab Emirates have this agreement. The Open Skies Agreement between the United States, and the United Arab Emirates is currently experiencing issues. The three big US airlines, (Delta, American and United) complained that the Gulf carriers are at an unfair advantage due to the fact that they are supported by the government. They also argued that (Emirates, Etihad, and Qatar) all combined have received over $42 billion in subsidies since 2004. (Sumers, 2016) Emirates and Etihad deny receiving any unfair subsidies, due to the fact that American companies receive government subsidies as well. The government subsidizes the airlines is trough Essential Air Service, which is a Federal program that provides airlines subsidizes to fly less profitable routes to prevent a certain location from losing air travel all together. (U.S Department of Transportation, 2016)

The Import-Export Bank allows foreign carriers to purchase US aircraft at favorable interest rates that are lower than the rates that US carriers can obtain.  The reason for this is to encourage foreign companies to purchase American products. Since the Import-Export Bank came to be, it basically allows a foreign carrier to purchase an American aircraft like any Boeing aircraft for example below what the markets interest rates are, which allows them to save millions of more dollars then the domestic carriers. (Weisman & Lipton, 2015)

After reading many articles, I think that the playing field is fair. I believe that with the Export-Import Bank that it helps with the US Economy. It is cheaper for the foreign carrier to purchase the aircraft and since they can, they are able to purchase more. So more money for us, “YEY” I think that since there is more competition out there the big airlines are just being selfish because now people have many more options to go now. I think though, one thing the major airlines want to do is to shut down the Export-Import bank so that the foreign carriers have to pay more. Although in the end, both the US Airlines and the Middle Eastern Airlines are very successful businesses. I think everyone just needs to get along and help each other out because we all fly the same sky.

U.S Department of Transportation. (2016, May 17). Essential Air Service . In Department of Transportation. Retrieved November 4, 2016, from https://www.transportation.gov/policy/aviation-policy/small-community-rural-air-service/essential-air-service

Weisman, J., & Lipton, E. (2015, April 6). Boeing and Delta Spend Millions in Fight Over Export-Import Bank’s Existence. In New York Times. Retrieved November 4, 2016, from http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/07/business/boeing-delta-air-lines-export-import-bank.html?_r=1

Sumers, B. (2016, June 28). U.S. Airlines Set to Lose Major Battle Against Gulf Carriers in Open Skies Debate. Retrieved November 4, 2016, from https://skift.com/2016/06/28/u-s-airlines-set-to-lose-major-battle-against-gulf-carriers-in-open-skies-debate/

Kane, F. (2016, January 30). Open skies dispute between US and Gulf airlines escalates.
Retrieved from http://www.thenational.ae/business/aviation/open-skies-dispute-between-us-and-gulf-airlines-escalates

Open Skies Agreements. (n.d.). Retrieved November 04, 2016, from