Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Who I am, my personal Introduction.

My name is Kenny Mosley, I am a senior here at Eastern Michigan University and I am an Aviation Management student who is also currently working on my private pilots license and also working on the dispatch certification through Eastern. My expected time to graduate should be this 2017 summer. I currently work at American Airlines as an operations agent. My Passion for Aviation began when I was little, my grandfather was a pilot and he took me up a few times in his C152. one of my earliest memories was that we flew close to the mountains and you see the sun start to set and you see the beauty and experience from able to fly, I knew that one day I would be there. Unfortunately that is not what I did right away, at first everyone told me that was  stupid career choice and I couldn't make it so I listened to the negativity and pursed the medical route. I went to a school in Arizona was getting my degree in Biology and I just wasn't happy so I left and joined the Army. I received a medical discharge in 2014 from the Army and I was kind of clueless about what I was going to do next. My grandma suggested that I follow my dreams from when I was little and go the aviation route. So I looked at schools and figured Eastern was my best choice because it was close enough commute from my sisters house.
My dream is to get my pilots license but I am not sure I want to be a career Pilot. It is a struggle back and forth dealing with if that is what I really want or not. The reason why I am doing Management and not flight is just in case I do be a pilot and I was to lose my medical I would have a degree that is worth something. Another reason why I am also doing my dispatch because that is also something that has really caught my attention. So my goal right now is to finish my dispatch and once I graduate I can start working as a dispatcher and still continue on working on my license and ratings. I really enjoy teaching so maybe be a flight instructor for some flight school that will be close to where I live, I am not sure if I am going to stay in Michigan so I wont say Eagle or Solo. If I was to be a career pilot then I want to fly cargo to build up my hours, I would try for Kalitta or FedEx and then move to the Majors and work for American Airlines because I currently work there and I would have a good chance of getting a flight slot since already have been an employee.

One thing I would like to learn about is possible more volunteer opportunities or potential job openings that you or anyone in the class will know of.

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