Thursday, September 22, 2016

The airspace that we love so much to fly along with ground, facilities and GPS in is controlled by the National Airspace system or NSA, and it is monitored by Air Traffic control, which was given by the government when the 1958 Federal Aviation Act created the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) to take the responsibility of the NSA. ATC controls all ground and Air movement, and many different systems like VORs for example. To maintain these systems running it is pretty expensive, so they are wanting to start getting rid of facilities when they are in need of maintenance so that it will be a smooth process for when the NextGen system comes into operation. NextGen will be a more cost efficient way to monitor the sky's.

NextGen is a satellite based system that will help ATC monitor the skys and allow pilots to fly a more direct route to save time and money. NextGen is helping make General Aviation safer and more efficient, while finding ways to reduce GA's environmental impact.(FAA) New satellite-enabled approach procedures are providing general aviation pilots and other small-aircraft operators with greater access to more airports across the country, particularly during poor weather. Air traffic controllers have access to NextGen tools that help them make the critical decisions necessary to keep the world’s busiest airspace system working as safely and as efficiently as possible(DOT). Performance Based Navigation is delivering more direct routes, decongestant skies, and increased efficiency in major metropolitan areas through Metroplex and Equivalent Lateral Spacing Operations.  The FAA advertises a savings of 39.7 billion dollars to the airlines in reduced fuel, crews, and the increase in flights available.

GA has spoken out against privatization of ATC, with The proposal, part of the Aviation Innovation, Reform and Reauthorization Act (H.R. 4441) which was approved Feb. 11 by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on a vote of 32 to 26. Besides reauthorizing the FAA which not only provides funding for the agency, but also lays out Congressional mandates the proposed bill has a number of reforms, including some long-anticipated by GA, such as third-class medical reform and changes to the certification process.(Wood 2016) Private pilots believe that it will have access restrictions to the skies. Jack J. Pelton, CEO and chairman of the Experimental Aircraft Association(EAA) says, "ATC privatization is simply a bad idea on many levels — it will not solve the FAA’s funding dilemma and will create a substantial number of new problems and challenges that would cripple general aviation; Although the bill contains some items that would be beneficial to grassroots aviators, those benefits are overwhelmed by the ominous consequences of a corporatized ATC system without direct federal authority and oversight. Such an ATC privatization plan is simply not acceptable as a part of any FAA reauthorization, especially when there are simple, common-sense ways to solve FAA’s funding issue.” (Jack Pelton)
He is basically saying do not take away our skys and limit us because the FAA cannot figure out other ways to figure out their funding issues.  

According to the New York Times, 'Only two other major countries have privatized air traffic control, Canada and Britain, but their air systems are much smaller. Other countries like Germany and France run air traffic through government-owned companies.' Britain had to bail out its private air traffic control operator after the 2001 terrorist attacks when air travel declined around the world. Even if a private system did reduce costs, there is no guarantee that airlines would pass those savings to passengers. The majority of funding for the private ATC comes from airline ticket tax and user fees.

I do not believe that ATC should be privatized because from the information I found I think that it would cause to many conflicts and that it would really bring down our GA community.


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